The Nanny Diaries originally came out in 2005 and since then I have read it many times - there's something about the inner workings of Manhattan's inner circle that I find so intriguing (probably the same reason I love Gossip Girl BUT that's a topic for a different time). I was anxious for the follow up to The Nanny Diaries and quickly ordered it. Set 10 years after the original much has changed - Nanny is married and has just returned from living abroad with HH (Harvard Hottie - her now-husband). Grayer X quickly reappears in Nanny's live showing a home life that is even more dysfunctional than the family Nanny left. The quirks that made the first book an enjoyable read were not to be found this round. The story seemed forced and Nanny's response to Grayer as a drinking, partying teen trying to keep his family together screams of immaturity and manipulation versus healing and growth. Often times sequels that come about 4 or 5 years later don't truly offer an extension of the original story. The characters make decisions that seem out of character and the story seems to be reaching for something that's not truly there. While I did enjoy finding out what happened to the characters the overall story just left you hanging.
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