Saturday, March 13, 2010

March: (Part 1) An Echo in the Darkness

I have to admit, I actually finished this book in February, but life being as it is I am just now updating!
With every Francine Rivers book I read I can't help but be slightly embarrassed by the book cover. It's a good thing I didn't judge these books by their covers and cast them aside as silly romance novels, because really isn't that what the cover looks like? Part two of the Mark of the Lion series picks up where the first novel left off. This time around, we follow each of the characters on their own journey, Julia, Marcus and Hadassah each live with the consequences of their previous choices, good and bad. The first book was fantastic and you never know how the the sequel will be. There are a few aspects of this story that seem a bit far-reaching, specifically involving Marcus. The second book is about Marcus's journey to redemption and the journey he takes to try to make sense of Haddash's tragedy. In a true story of redemption the oddities of Marcus's journey can be overlooked. With every question and every doubt it is so easy to relate to Marcus, he searches for a god he's not sure he wants to find and yet there is something in him that is crying out. Something we can all relate to, we have all been at that point of udder despair, crying out to the universe in search of peace. You cry with him, you get angry with him, and finally you celebrate with him. While the story moved from Rome to Ephesus, the arena was still the same. In a world of sin, of idol worshipping and giving into all the earthly pleasures the world has to offer, there is a spark of truth, of purity and love. As with the first novel, it is hard not to compare the sinful world of Ephesus to the world that surrounds us today. I shudder at how little things have changed. Overall, a great follow up to the first novel.
Coming soon, the third and final book in this trilogy: As Sure as the Dawn...

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