Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October: Dracula

What am I currently reading? Well I recently joined a book club and for October we are reading Dracula.

I did not read Dracula in school and so this was my first venture into the original, pre-Twilight world of vampires. I'm always weary of the Classics for fear of being able to finish in a timely manner. While Dracula is dense, it is a very quick read. Told through letters and journal entries we follow the story of Count Dracula, a vampire who terrors the residents of England. Being the nerd that I am, I found many parables to the wonderful world of Harry Potter. (I'm sure you will find many references to HP in future posts). For instance, like Mina with the Count, Harry is connected to Voldermort and able to track where they are. The overall subtext of good vs. evil allows for an interesting interpretation of religion, demons and of course, vampires.

Dracula was very fitting with the coming of a certain holiday - however, be aware that Dracula is not the ideal before bed read.

I just got a new box of books from Amazon to carry me into the holidays. The contents? That is for another post.

What are you reading?

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